Two of Wands - Cocorrina


Two of Wands

Aurora Tarot Deck by Cocorrina



Planning / future goals / decisions / two paths / options / anticipation


The Two of Wands is the card of possibilities and freedom of choice. You are called to decide between two paths. Whatever your call will be, success is definitely on the horizon, one that will be achieved through partnership or cooperation. The world is in your hands, and you must be confident to take the next big step. Great things are on the other side. You feel a wind of change in the air, and with your long-term future in mind, this card represents overseas travel, departures, and deciding between two options: staying or leaving. It’s time to spread your wings and expand your horizons.

With the Two of Wands, you are ready for growth and are now planning your next action steps. You may need to enter uncharted territory, but fear not, as this card signifies you have the courage and confidence to do whatever is necessary outside your comfort zone.



Inner alignment / lack of planning / fear of change / personal goals


The Two of Wands, in reverse, represents fear of change and indecisiveness. The opportunity is right before you, but something seems to hold you back. You may fear the unknown, so you’re sticking with known paths. Take a chance and remember that big returns require big investments.

This card indicates the cancellation of travels or your decision to stay behind. Your lack of planning and fears are holding you back from moving forward and growing. You could be learning so much and changing your life for the better if you could only break from everything holding you back. Instead, you find yourself choosing the same mundane routine and the boring side of life. There’s nothing wrong with having a quiet and safe routine, but this is your time for growth and expansion, which will not happen inside your comfort zone.


How can I become more adventurous?

What is holding me back?